Welcome to my blog!

I'll be posting stories, videos, songs, and things i like!

Hope you like the blog! I will try to keep up!!!

Thursday 27 September 2012


The songs I am listening too:

Jar of hearts:
And who do you think you are,
running round leaving scars,
collecting your jars of hearts,
and tearing love apart
Voldemorts jar of hearts: CORUS
And who do you think you are,
runnnin' round leaving scars,
proforming horcrux arts
And tearing souls apart


Finally back! Chicken Smoothy= My dogs.
I started playing a game called chicken smoothie. I am .:HowlofTheWolf:. I did three dogs. If my account comes up, just log out

I am glad to be back...

Click Here to go and see my wolf picture. (STARE AT IT'S AMAZING CUTENESS!)

 I am being really random.
I have no idea.

When I couldn't get back on, we got a new dog.
He's gorgeous, a black great dane cross wolfhound. He jumps up on us though.
(Not to mention always stealing my jacket!) We named him Picasso.

Hey you know, only today he jumped up on me when I was sitting in a chair, completely licked my face, jumped down and I have no idea what he did after that. 

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Friday 20 April 2012

part 3- Moon returns (sorry its short)

Suddenly Moon came back, she stood still, listening. Then suddenly, she neighed and reared. Willow crept quietly out of the cage, trying not to spook the filly. She got close enough to touch and slowly reached out her hand. The filly let her stroke her, then she reared. (Willow seemed to have a way with horses).  Moon was wild but she kept coming back for Willow...

Wednesday 18 April 2012

part 2- The horse girl

Moon could not be tamed, could she? She was as wild as moonlight, wild as wind... It was now winter, snow glimmered on the trees, but Moon's dancing rock was left untorched  by snow. Willow packed her bags, she was running away, she packed clothes then wrote a note, I am running away, good bye...  She left it on the table, got some food, then ran to the woods. She found shelter in a cave, then ran quickly back to get her pillow and blanket and things she loved. As she tried to make a bed, she started crying. Why am i so lonley lonely? Why did  dad have  die? Why couldn't he be cured? Suddenly, she heard a sound of neat hard hooves on rock- Moon.
Willow got up and peeked out, her "camp" was right next to Moon's dancing ground!

Williow cried out in shock, Moon vansished as though she vanished into the rocks, 'Ohhh!' Willow cried in surprise, suddenly Moon came back...
I'll tell you more about the story. Moon is a wild filly but she does not know that their is a girl in legends known as the "horse girl" living on the the land which she lives on. Willow who does not know shes the horse girl ran away to the bush. Moon is dancing at midnight in winter and Willow sees her dancing and wants to try to tame her, will she be able to tame the wild filly of lots of legends?

part 1, Moon

Once a upon a time a filly lept and danced, white mane flying. She was as white as snow, out in the open,though alone.  Her herd called her Moon, for she danced at midnight, alone under the moonlight... She was special, she was a unicorn... She did not notice she was being watched. She danced on, her mane and tail flying, neat hooves leaving faint marks on rocks. Then the horse watching her neighed. She vanished, there for a second, it seemed like she vanished into the rocks. He neighed once more, 'It is I,' he called,'I have watched you, come back, come back.' A answering neigh came from far away, 'Neeiiggh'. She,  the filly who danced with living light, was free and wild.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


             Every year we remember,
In April and November,
The boats on the water, carrying the brave
They heard the deadly order to run through the water
It’s time for you to jump boys
You’re fighting to be free

And with every year a passing
Our nation’s soul’s been marching
Through country towns and city streets
Their memory lives on,
And when peaceful rays of sunlight
My face shines upon
Feeling somehow different cause
The Last ANZAC’s gone

If we need to solve a problem,
Can we talk it through?
The water looks much better, better when it’s blue
Remember the Last ANZAC
And how he cried for peace
Forever under gum trees
Blue skies over me

I ask myself the question
Time and time again,
The world is so much different
But some things stay the same,
As we ride treacherous waters
May our hearts calm the seas
Will we hold the ANZAC courage
And join our hands in peace? (x2)
And join our hearts in peace ?